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  • Summary of evidence for the use of Chinese medicine nursing in symptom management of lung cancer patients

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-02-22

    摘要: ObjectivesTo search and summarizethe best evidence of traditional Chinese medicine nursing in symptom management of lung cancer patients, so as to provide reference for medical staff to implement traditional Chinese medicine characteristic symptom management for lung cancer patients.BackgroundPatients with lung cancer often have treatment-related symptoms during treatment, which greatly reduces the quality of life of patients and increases the treatment cost of patients. Traditional Chinese medicine nursing technology plays a role in reducing adverse reactions, improving tumor complications and improving the quality of life.DesignAn integrative review of the study.MethodsAll evidence from guideline collaborative networks, professional association websites, and well-known domestic and international databases in the last 10 years was searched. Literature quality evaluation tools were used to evaluate the quality of the included literature, and evidence was extracted from those that met the quality requirements.The PRISMA checklist was used to evaluate the current study.ResultsA total of 34 best evidences of the use of Chinese medicine nursing in symptom management of lung cancer patients were obtained. They are from three aspects: symptom management, emotions, and diet.ConclusionThe existing evidence shows that traditional Chinese medicine nursing has certain curative effect in the symptom management of lung cancer patients. In order to promote the standardized application of traditional Chinese medicine nursing, more clinical research, systematic evaluation and other evidence are still needed in the future.Relevance to Clinical PracticeThis studysummarizes the evidence for the use of Chinese medicine nursing in symptom management of lung cancer patients and provides clinical decision-making for clinical nursing staff to carry out traditional Chinese medicine nursing in the management of lung cancer symptoms.Patient or Public Contribution/sThere are no patient or public contributions to this study.

  • 一例乳腺癌晚期合并多处转移患者使用DS8201期间个案护理

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-02-21

    摘要: 目的:总结一例乳腺癌晚期肋骨转移、肺转移、肝转移患者使用DS8201(ENHERTU)期间症状护理方法的治疗效果。方法:选取2021年1月4日,因“发现右乳肿物2个月”收治入院的一例乳腺癌合并多处转移患者作为研究对象。期间使用DS8201进行治疗,并根据患者用药期间的症状进行有针对性的护理。采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(SAS)对患者心理进行评估。采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)、失眠严重程度指数量表(ISI)评估患者睡眠。并评估用药过程的副作用。结果:治疗前,SAS量表22分,PSQI为19分,ISI量表评分为24分。治疗后,SAS评分为15分,PSQI为12分,ISI量表评分为11分。表明患者睡眠质量与焦虑均得到缓解。复查结果显示:左乳结节较上次检查结果变化不大,未发现其他部位转移。随访至2023年9月患者未见明显复发,之后患者未再来院复诊。2023年10月电话随访,患者诉无明显不适,病情稳定,用药期间的各项指标控制良好。结论:本研究对乳腺癌晚期患者使用DS8201期间患者的症状和相应的护理措施,为今后使用的患者给与一定的护理依据。加强了临床医师认识和掌握乳腺癌肋骨、肺部、肝脏转移的临床表现、影像学特征,提高了临床医师对本病的诊治能力,但仍需扩大样本量进一步验证。

  • 护理循证实践对社区多重用药慢性病患者服药依从性的影响

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-02-21

    摘要: 目的探讨循证护理对社区多重用药慢性病患者服药依从性的影响作用。方法选取2023年1月~2023年6月本中心已纳入管理的60例多重用药的慢性病患者,按应用循证护理前后分为对照组与观察组,每组各30例。对照组采用常规护理方案,观察组采用循证护理方案,比较证据应用前后审查指标执行率、两组患者的服药依从性、药物持有率及并社区护士慢性病药物知识水平。结果证据应用后审查指标执行率更高、观察组患者服药依从性及药物持有率均高于对照组,证据应用后社区护士慢性病药物知识水平明显提高,差异均有统计学意义(P结论循证护理实践可规范社区慢性病多重用药患者服药依从性管理,改善多重用药慢性病患者的服药依从性,提高社区护士慢性病药物知识水平。