您选择的条件: 2024-3
  • 一例过敏性紫癜患儿的中西医护理体会

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-03-28

    摘要: 过敏性紫癜(Henoch-Schönlein purpura,HSP)现也称IgA血管炎(IgA vasculitis,IgAV),是儿童时期常见的一种血管炎 1 ,是以非血小板减少、皮肤可触及的淤点瘀斑(为突出特点)、腹痛、关节肿痛和肾炎等症状为主要表现 2 ,少数患者还可能会伴有血管神经性水肿。食、药物过敏、化学污染因素、病毒及蚊虫叮咬、寒冷环境等诸多因素是导致疾病发生的诱因 3 。肾脏受累的轻重程度及治疗决定此病预后转归 4 。目的和方法:经过治疗与中西医结合护理,辨证施护,促进疾病痊愈。结论 中西医结合护理治疗,中医辨证施食,能够促进病情痊愈。

  • Applying the CDIO model in provincial clinical practice training for TCM nursing professional Nurse

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-03-25

    摘要: AbstractBackground The growth of Chinese medicine nursing is gaining increasing attention as a result of the advancement of traditional medicine and the shifting public perceptions of health. Chinese medicine nursing talents are human resources that are essential to the field’s development. A significant challenge to the training of TCM nursing talent is raising the standard of clinical practice instruction. In this study, to improve the quality of TCM nursing instruction and advance the field of TCM nursing, we established a clinical practice plan based on the CDIO (Conceptualization-Design-Implementation-Operation) concept and implemented it in the province’s professional nurse training program.MethodsIn our hospital,32 nurses who took part inthe Jiangsu Provincial TCM Nursing Professional Nurse Training Programfrom August to September 2023 were selected. The clinical practice stage of the training was conducted utilizing the CDIO model. After the training, the practical operation, the dialectical nursing ability and autonomous learning ability were assessed. We also assessed how satisfied they were with the training.ResultsAfter the training, theclinical practice ability, dialectical nursingability, and autonomous learning abilitywere all significantly higher than they were previously (all PConclusionCDIO model can improved clinical practice ability, enhanced their capacity to provide nursing care according to syndrome differentiation, stimulate the independent learning ability, and increased satisfaction with training. Furthermore, it offers novel ideas, methods, and strategies for upcoming clinical practice training.

  • 医疗失效模式与效应分析(HFMEA)在手术物品清点管理中的应用

    分类: 护理学 >> 护理学 提交时间: 2024-03-24

    摘要: 目的 探讨医疗失效模式与效应分析(HFMEA)在手术物品清点管理中的应用效果。方法 采用便利抽样方法,选取2023年6月至2023年11月在本院手术室进行的98例手术为研究对象,将6月至7月的手术设为对照组,10月至11月的手术设为观察组。对照组采用常规手术物品清点流程,试验组在对照组的基础上,应用HFMEA管理模式找出高危失效模式,分析根本原因,制定并落实干预对策。比较对策实施前后手术物品清点规范执行率以及高风险失效模式的风险优先指数(RPN)值。结果 实施HFMEA后,手术物品清点规范执行率由73.47%提升至95.92%,高风险失效模式RPN值下降明显,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 应用HFMEA管理模式对手术物品清点进行管理,可有效提高手术物品规范执行率,提高手术室护理质量与安全。